Curt’s blog Joyce Kilmer. When I read the poem, “Trees,” I have always assumed this famed poet was a girl. Boy! Was I wrong. Why I Write I write not only to entertain, but to add to people’s lives by letting them learn history through a story. That way, the story sticks. Turn off the […]
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Fathers Day Novel Gifts – Asunder Splintered
Fathers Day Novel Gifts The history of Fathers Day as seen today is not even a hundred years old. Ms Sonora Louise Smart Dodd of Spokane,Washington is credited with pushing for the special day in the US. She was not satisfied with just Mothers Day to honor mothers. However, some scholars argue that Fathers Day […]
Continue ReadingAmazing Some of the Firsts of the Civil War #histfic, #historical #fiction
Some of the firsts of the Civil War include: the first periscope (used in trench warfare), the first successful submarine (the Hunley named after the inventor and made from an old steam boiler), the first repeating rifles, the first rifle scopes, first ironclad navies, first army ambulance corps, first workable machine gun, first cigarette tax, […]
Continue Reading#Battle, The #CivilWar in New Mexico
On this day in 1862, Union forces by a stroke of luck halted the Confederate Invasion of New Mexico, at that time including Arizona. The Confederates hoped to capture New Mexico and other parts of the West. There were other reasons, but the cash-strapped Confederacy wanted the western mines for the gold and silver. From San Antonio, the […]
Continue ReadingUsing a Medical Endoscope to Peek at the Past
A not too well-known Union general did something unusual following the Civil War. General Montgomery C. Meigs fought in the war, but he is most known for his architect work later. What he did was create a massive time capsule with one of his structures. In the 18801’s, for the US Pension Building in Washington […]
Continue ReadingHistorical Fact, Historical Fiction -The Crimps, Not Talking About Hairstyles
[maxbutton id=”3″ url=”http://localhost:8888/curt ” text=”Watch Exciting Trailers for Novels” ] Did you know that criminal agents kidnapped Canadian men for service in the union army in the civil War? During the war, certain civilians, called “Crimps”, enticed unknowing Canadian men with too much drink or drugged them, then enrolled them in a regiment in the […]
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