Some of the firsts of the Civil War include: the first periscope (used in trench warfare), the first successful submarine (the Hunley named after the inventor and made from an old steam boiler), the first repeating rifles, the first rifle scopes, first ironclad navies, first army ambulance corps, first workable machine gun, first cigarette tax, first time Americans stood in bread lines, The FIRST MEDAL OF HONOR, first time the press went into battle areas, first photographs of battle, the first use of ‘Taps.”
The first aerial surveillance for warfare. The first aerial psychological warfare used when Lincoln’s proposal for amnesty was dropped by kites behind Southern lines.
First camouflage of naval ships – mist gray for blockade runner ships. The first aircraft carrier – a strip-downed barge made for carrying aerial balloons.
Find my Civil War novels – Asunder, and the sequel, Splintered (Asunder 2) on Amazon and
A gun battery on a railcar was the precursor of tanks.
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